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In this study, we examined the year 2011 characteristics of energy flux partitioning and evapotranspiration of a sub‐alpine spruce forest underlain by permafrost on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (QPT). Energy balance closure on a half‐hourly basis was H + λE = 0.81 × (Rn ? G ? S) + 3.48 (W m?2) (r2 = 0.83, n = 14938), where H, λE, Rn, G and S are the sensible heat, latent heat, net radiation, soil heat and air‐column heat storage fluxes, respectively. Maximum H was higher than maximum λE, and H dominated the energy budget at midday during the whole year, even in summer time. However, the rainfall events significantly affected energy flux partitioning and evapotranspiration. The mean value of evaporative fraction (Λ = λE/(λE + H)) during the growth period on zero precipitation days and non‐zero precipitation days was 0.40 and 0.61, respectively. The mean daily evapotranspiration of this sub‐alpine forest during summer time was 2.56 mm day?1. The annual evapotranspiration and sublimation was 417 ± 8 mm year?1, which was very similar to the annual precipitation of 428 mm. Sublimation accounted for 7.1% (30 ± 2 mm year?1) of annual evapotranspiration and sublimation, indicating that the sublimation is not negligible in the annual water balance in sub‐alpine forests on the QPT. The low values of the Priestley–Taylor coefficient (α) and the very low value of the decoupling coefficient (Ω) during most of the growing season suggested low soil water content and conservative water loss in this sub‐alpine forest. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The comprehensive utilization of floating breakwaters, specially acting as a supporting structure for offshore marine renewable energy explorations, has received more and more attention recently. Based on linear water-wave theory, the hydrodynamic performance of a T-shaped floating breakwater is semi-analytically investigated through the matched eigenfunction expansion method (MEEM). Auxiliary functions, to speed up the convergence and improve the accuracy in the numerical computations, are introduced to represent the singular behavior of fluid field near the lower salient corners of the structure. The effects of the height and installation position of the vertical screen on the reflection and transmission coefficients, dynamic response and wave forces are examined. It is found that the presence of the screen shifts the resonance frequency of RAO for both surge and pitch modes to the low-frequency area, while has no effect on heave mode. The identical added masses, damping and transmission coefficients can be obtained in the cases where the screen holds the same distance away from the longitudinal central axis of the upper box-type structure. Moreover, a relatively small pitch response can be achieved in a wide wave–frequency range, when the breakwater is Γ-shaped.  相似文献   
2017年8月9日精河发生6.6级地震。本文首先利用相关、回归分析研究了气温对水管仪、伸缩仪的影响,并进行了干扰的定量剔除;其次,通过回归残差分析研究地震前水管仪、伸缩仪的异常特征,认为精河6.6级地震前存在3项异常:①2016年5月22日起,水管仪NS分量S倾幅度0.53";②2017年3月24日起,EW分量E倾幅度0.28";③2016年9月10日起,伸缩仪NS分量出现压缩现象。  相似文献   
本文研究土与结构相互作用(SSI)对多层及中高层基础隔震建筑地震需求及隔震效率的影响规律,隔震层采用LRB铅芯橡胶与LNR普通橡胶隔震支座组合,就我国现行《建筑抗震设计规范》(GB50011-2010)中软土场地设置隔震层问题做探讨。提出土与基础隔震结构相互作用的简化计算模型,对不同场地及隔震设计目标下的多层及中高层基础隔震结构进行时程分析。研究表明:软土场地基础隔震建筑隔震层的有效隔震效率相对于硬土场地有所下降,必须通过设置具有一定规格的LRB支座来满足隔震目标。本文给出了铅芯橡胶支座极限变形需求随建筑层高及隔震目标变化的规律。  相似文献   
In this intervention article I contribute to discussions of moral economy by arguing that scholars should reconsider the nature of value. Neoliberalism considers only exchange value. As a consequence neoliberal policies try to manage problems such as climate change with economic systems and instruments that are mis-calibrated to the material realities they are meant to represent. Value has spatial and temporal characteristics. Recognizing the spatial and temporal dynamics of value leads to new means of resource valuation, such as extending the time-frame of instruments and changing the nature of privatization. In conclusion, I argue for the need for new theories of use value.  相似文献   
刘璐璐  李锋瑞 《中国沙漠》2019,39(6):192-199
测度退耕还林农户的恩格尔系数并分析其显著影响因素及差异性,对于完善退耕还林政策、巩固退耕还林成果、改善退耕农户贫困状况具有重要的现实意义。选取位于黄土高原丘陵沟壑区的会宁县和定西市安定区退耕户跟踪数据,基于收入、政策、家庭因素等多个层面构建相关经济指标,揭示两个区域退耕户恩格尔系数呈现的基本特征、显著影响因素及其差异性。结果表明:首先,由于自然地理环境和区位相近,会宁县和安定区退耕户恩格尔系数呈现出较为一致的高位波动趋势,消费需求弹性较弱是主要影响因素;其次,退耕还林户补贴率对会宁县恩格尔系数有显著的负向影响,说明退耕还林政策对当地居民经济生活具有显著影响,安定区退耕还林户补贴率对恩格尔系数有显著的正向影响,主要原因是退耕还林补贴额在家庭收入中所占比重较少;最后,会宁县和安定区农户退耕率对恩格尔系数有显著影响,这意味着退耕户的主要收入来源于农业收入。  相似文献   
凡炳文  仲复捷 《地下水》2020,(1):83-87,254
选择甘肃省临洮县洮惠渠灌区为试验研究区,通过直接观读、自动监测等技术手段,获取试验灌区的引水量、退水量、土壤墒情、降水量及蒸发量等水文基础数据。以水文监测基础数据为依据,采用引排差法、水分平衡法等相结合的方法,开展了农业灌溉耗水系数试验研究。初步试验结果表明:试验灌区灌溉期平均耗水系数为0. 730,典型地块灌溉期平均耗水系数为0. 671,2016年试验灌区降水量较常年偏少13. 0%~26. 3%,总体上属轻度干旱年份。该研究成果可为甘肃陇中黄土高原区水资源管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   
台风暴雨型浅层滑坡失稳机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对台风暴雨耦合作用下浅层滑坡的失稳机理进行研究。在总结福建台风暴雨型滑坡灾害特征的基础上,提出风荷载对斜坡变形失稳的影响机理是通过植被造成坡体开裂,从而影响坡体的入渗规律。应用GeoStudio软件计算台风暴雨入渗条件下裂隙坡体中暂态非饱和渗流场的变化,以及对斜坡稳定性的影响。计算结果表明:裂隙坡体由于在裂隙处形成集中入渗点,雨水的入渗速度大于无裂隙的坡体,坡体达到饱和状态所需要的时间大为缩短。裂隙深度、间距对滑坡稳定系数的影响较大,裂隙深度越大、间距越小,在相同的降雨条件下滑坡的稳定系数越小,滑坡失稳需要的降雨时长越短。裂隙宽度对滑坡稳定性的影响相对较小。   相似文献   
李科  张琳  刘福亮  贾艳琨 《岩矿测试》2020,39(5):753-761
实验室和研究人员所使用的碳、氮同位素标准物质一般由国际原子能机构(IAEA)获得,然而近年来,随着碳氮同位素在实验室质量监控、方法评价、仪器校准等方面的广泛应用,市场需求量不断增加, IAEA研制的碳、氮同位素标准物质的种类与数量逐渐不能满足科学研究快速发展的需求。我国急需研制适应当今分析技术水平的有机质碳氮同位素国家标准物质用以进行质量监控、方法评价、仪器校准。为保证量值传递精度,本文研制了4个有机化学物质的碳氮稳定同位素标准物质,其中3个为尿素样品,1个为L-谷氨酸。经检验4种标准物质的均匀性通过F值检验,标准物质的δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值经过一年的稳定性检验,特征量值变化在测量方法允许的不确定度范围内,由此判定δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值稳定性良好。由包括研制单位实验室在内的12家实验室协同定值,采用高温燃烧-气体同位素质谱法测定了δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N值,系列标准物质δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N认定值区间呈梯度分布,δ~(13)C值为-40‰~0‰,δ~(15)N值为-10‰~30‰,涵盖了我国天然样品中有机质碳氮稳定同位素组成范围;研制的系列标准物质δ~(13)C的定值扩展不确定度不大于0.08‰,δ~(15)N的定值扩展不确定度不大于0.09‰,定值水平与国际标准物质相当。该系列标准物质已被国家质检总局批准为国家一级标准物质,批准号为GBW04494~GBW04497。可被用于地质、生态、环境等多种样品δ~(13)C和δ~(15)N比值测定时的分析监控、仪器校准、方法评价、质量保证和质量监控。  相似文献   
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